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Sunday, September 23, 2012

Best WC's of the world!!!

WC's times are one of the most restful time in our daily time, so it's better to have it in the most beautiful places like below landscapes that I think are the best places.

love is love - 3

Somebody always say: this is world of money, wealth and power and there is no true love. Leave these negative sentences, life is streaming and you can trust on good people around you. If you send positive energy out, you can receive reflection of your energy.

your love is waiting

Lovers are going to start their life, a nice boat is ready

sense of love

Meanwhile in Germany

O.K. this post about some funny situations that you may only see in Germany. See them and laugh loudly. Although German people seems very strict, but you can find very funny things there, too.


Pig rider

It is heavy, isn't it?

Creative advertisements - 3

enjoy creativity of these pictures

Chewing gum or tooth brush

Nikon camera can see everyone

enjoy Pepsi

animal's world - 4

Again I made a post about love in animals. Watch love between innocent animals, that is fantastic.

I love you.

underwater love

love between birds

7 places that you should see before you die

7 places that you should see before you die

1- Hawaii - USA

2- Canary Island - Spain

3- Italy

4- Greece

5- Istanbul - Turkey

6- Taj Mahal - India

beautiful landscapes - 2

Mountain landscapes

In this post I want to show some very beautiful landscapes from mountains. Also, they are valuable wallpapers. See them carefully, It's God's power.

beautiful landscapes - 1

Sense of freshness, although I'm not there but I love to see them and enjoy their beautiful. Nature is always beautiful and cure lots of mental diseases.

Asian markets tumble over EU debt crisis

Asian shares have sharply tumbled following reports of a gloomy US employment situation as well as concerns over the possibility of a eurozone breakup.
Japan’s market lost over two percent on Monday morning, reaching a level not seen since late 1983, while Hong Kong plummeted over 2.3 percent. 
Shanghai was 1.24 percent lower, Sydney skidded 1.84 percent and Seoul lost 2.60 percent. 
The falls come as Washington has put the number of jobs created in May at 69,000 - the slowest rise in 12 months. Meanwhile, leaders across the eurozone are facing a political and economic challenge in Greece. 
New data released late last week showed more signs that growth is slowing in both China and India, which have until now been relatively bright spots for the global economy. 
On top of the alarming jobs outlook in the United States, investors are deeply worried about the eurozone debt crisis. Unemployment in the eurozone has hit a record high of 11 percent. 
The Dow Jones industrial average fell 2.22 percent on Friday, wiping out its gains for the year, and the main index of the German stock market closed down 3.4 percent. 
Greece's political and economic turmoil led to mounting concerns among eurozone members that Athens would not comply with the austerity measures it agreed to with its European neighbors in exchange for the endorsement of the second financial bailout, and would finally leave the 17-nation bloc. 
The head of the European Central Bank earlier this week told European Union leaders that the single currency union is unsustainable in its current form. 

Gold pauses after rally triggered by weak US data

Gold pauses after rally triggered by weak US data
Singapore, June 4, Gold edged lower on Monday after posting its biggest rally in more than three years in the previous session.
The surprisingly weak US employment data added to the gloom over the global economy, just as the euro zone appears to be sinking deeper into the debt crisis and China's growth slows, Reuters reported.
Gold broke ranks with riskier assets on Friday and rose 4 percent, propped up by rekindled expectations of further monetary easing by the US Federal Reserve.
Asian investors, however, were less than convinced that the Fed would implement monetary easing soon, and were selling at the higher prices to lock in profits.
"People are still not sure where things may go and have been selling after prices jumped," said a Singapore-based dealer.
Spot gold edged down 0.3 percent to $1,621.40 an ounce by 23:21 EDT (0321 GMT). It had fallen to as low as $1,614.59 earlier in the session.
US gold futures contract for August delivery was little changed at $1,623.
The London financial markets are closed on Monday and Tuesday for a public holiday.
Bullion fell more than 6 percent in May, under the weight of a dollar that rallied more than 5 percent as investors piled into the greenback, US Treasuries and German Bund during a deepening euro zone crisis.
But if the US recovery falters as well, gold will have a chance to shine once again as a safe haven as investors look for alternatives.
Spot silver lost 0.8 percent to $28.41, after rallying 3.6 percent on Friday - its biggest one-day rise in more than three months.

Also it is recommended to see:

S&P warning on eurozone about Greece

The Greek stock market has plummeted 5.9 percent after Standard & Poor's credit rating agency warned that the country has a one-in-three chance of leaving the eurozone.
The main ATHEX (Athens Stock Exchange) index fell by 6.1 percent to 471.35 points just an hour before the official close time at 5:20 pm (1420 GMT) on Tuesday. 
This comes after Standard & Poor's issued a statement on Monday warning of “at least a one-in-three chance” that the country will leave the eurozone after the June 17 elections. 
Greece’s likely rejection of the austerity measures and reforms in return for EU-IMF bailouts, following the mid-June parliamentary elections, would lead to the “suspension of external financial support,” said the international agency. 
It added that Greece’s proposed circumstances would seriously damage its economy and most likely lead to another Greek sovereign default. 
However, the agency said the Greek exit from the eurozone would not affect other weaker eurozone states. 
Earlier this week, rating agency Moody's lowered Greece’s domestic rating ceiling due to escalating concerns over the debt-ridden country’s exit from the eurozone. 
Greece is the epicenter of the eurozone debt crisis. It is headed for the second parliamentary elections, expected on June 17, following a political impasse since the May 6 elections when no party gained enough seats in the elections. 
There are worries that more delays in resolving the eurozone debt crisis, which began in Greece in late 2009 and infected Italy, Spain and France last year, could push not only Europe but also much of the rest of the developed world back into recession. 

Dolphins offer clues for wound healing

The ability of dolphins to curb infections and quickly heal their injuries may offer new clues for the treatment of human wounds, scientists say.
"Much about the dolphin’s healing process remains unreported and poorly documented," wrote Michael Zasloff, adjunct professor at Georgetown University Medical Center who interviewed dolphin handlers and marine biologists to find answers about the miraculous self-healing power of the species.
In his letter published in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology, Zasloff recounts several documentations about how quick dolphins manage to heal the wounds caused by severe shark bites, adding that some of these wounds which are larger than a basketball are cured in weeks without causing notable pain or infection or leaving a significant scar.
"If I saw this in a human being, I wouldn’t believe it," Zasloff added. "It should awe us. You have an animal that has evolved in the ocean without hands or legs, which swim faster than we can, has intelligence that perhaps equals our social and emotional complexity, and its healing is almost alien compared to what we are capable of."

Beautiful landscapes - 12

God is the best painter who made such beauties in the blue planet. I never feel tired by watching them and charge my mental batteries.

World Premiere Of Montblanc Biggest Concept Store In Beijing

Nicolas Cage,  Jessica Alba and Montblanc International Lutz Bethge attend the Montblanc international gala to celebrate the official opening of its new and biggest concept store in the world at the Montblanc Sanlitun Concept Store on June 1, 2012 in Beijing, China.
Lovely actresses Jessica Alba and Naomi Watts were among those adding their star power to the Asian concept store soiree as they joined Montblanc International CEO Lutz Bethge at the JW Marriott Hotel held function.
Also on the elite guest list was "Rum Diaries" darling Amber Heard, who mingled with actor Clemens Schick and Director of Montblanc Cultural Foundation Ingrid Roosen-Trinks while "National Treasure: Book of Secrets" actor Nicolas Cage schmoozed his way around the posh venue clad in a spiffy black suit.

What poets say about love - 1

When love’s well-timed ’tis not a fault to love;
The strong, the brave, the virtuous, and the wise,
Sink in the soft captivity together.
        Addison—Cato. Act III. Sc. 1.

When love once pleads admission to our hearts,
(In spite of all the virtue we can boast),
The woman that deliberates is lost.
        Addison—Cato. Act IV. Sc. 1.

Mysterious love, uncertain treasure,
Hast thou more of pain or pleasure!
Endless torments dwell about thee:
Yet who would live, and live without thee!
        Addison—Rosamond. Act III. Sc. 2.

Che amar chi t’odia, ell’รจ impossibil cosa.
        For ’tis impossible
  Hate to return with love.
        Alfieri—Polinice. II. 4.

Somewhere there waiteth in this world of ours
  For one lone soul another lonely soul,
Each choosing each through all the weary hours,
  And meeting strangely at one sudden goal,
Then blend they, like green leaves with golden flowers,
  Into one beautiful and perfect whole;
And life’s long night is ended, and the way
  Lies open onward to eternal day.
        Edwin Arnold—Somewhere There Waiteth.

Italy, land of beauty - 2

Since Italy is mainly surrounded by Mediterranean waters, miles of beaches and shorelines stretch around the country's perimeter. From the mountains and valleys of inner Europe and Italy, a network of fresh water rivers, lakes, and other bodies of water also abound.
For visitors, it is essential to understand that Italy has a very diverse climate; generally, it is divided into two, wet winter and hot summer. The upper regions enjoy the same climate as its neighboring countries, while the southern regions which lay closer to the center of the earth experiences a more tropical-Mediterranean touch which is a bit milder.
Italy is blessed with its natural beauty. Old cities like Venice, a name which later became synonymous to architectural excellence, Rome and Sicily all adds up to its natural splendor. Italy is one of the biggest producers of wine. Traveling a destination like Italy is certain to provide lot of entertainment and pleasure which you will endeavor for all your life. Travel Planners has collected a few natural clips of this country. You might as well run for to book a holiday ticket after you view these images. So beautiful it is. Do evaluate it yourselves.

The most popular proposal

Portland-based actor Isaac Lamb gathered 60 friends and surprised his girlfriend Amy Beth Frankel with this well-choreographed live lip-dub marriage proposal. With the help of his brother and the road near his parents' house, the dulcet tones of Bruno Mars and his now immensely popular proposal song Marry You, somehow, God knows, he pulled it off, creating a day they'll never forget and a online viral sensation in the process.
As the song began to play, some of their friends and family started to appear and perform a live lip-dub in front of Amy.  May be she already has the idea of what’s going on until at the end her boyfriend came and proposed to her and of course “she said yes!”

Combating childhood obesity may start in the womb

children whose mothers developed diabetes while pregnant are at increased risk of being overweight by age 11, a new study shows.
The study also found that children born to obese mothers are more likely to have a weight problem than children born to lean mothers.
“The best advice is to get lean and fit before you get pregnant,” Dr. Lois Jovanovic of the Sansum Diabetes Research Institute in Santa Barbara, California, who was not involved in the study, told Reuters Health.
Earlier this week, First Lady Michelle Obama launched an action plan to combat childhood obesity. Number one in the list of recommendations was the need to stress the importance of starting a pregnancy at a healthy weight and maintaining a healthy weight throughout.
The new study, Jovanovic said, offers elegantly measured data to support this recommendation. “In order to prevent obesity in the next generation we have to do a whole lot for women in their childbearing years,” she said.
Diabetes that develops during pregnancy when there is no history of the disease is called gestational diabetes. Up to 8 percent of pregnant women will develop gestational diabetes. Being overweight, when combined with the “right” genes, is an important risk factor.
children born to mothers with gestational diabetes are often heavier at birth than children born to mothers without pregnancy-related diabetes. In the current study, Dr. Sandra Hummel and colleagues at the Technical University of Munich, Germany set out to determine the impact of mom's gestational diabetes and weight status on the child's risk of being overweight in childhood and becoming “insulin resistant” -- a precursor to full blown diabetes.
They examined data from two large German studies involving 1,420 children born between 1989 and 2000. Two hundred thirty-two children were born to mothers with gestational diabetes, 757 to mothers with Type 1, or “insulin-dependent,” diabetes and 431 to non-diabetic mothers. Blood samples and body measurements were taken several times until the children were 14 years old.
The researchers found that mother's weight early in pregnancy was the strongest predictor of her child's overweight status and resulting insulin resistance.

Internet could help encourage exercise

People who spend their days in front of a computer may want to check out some fitness-related Web sites, according to a study published Monday.
Researchers found that internet-based exercise programs worked as well as printed advice in getting sedentary adults to take up regular physical activity. One year into the study, the internet users were getting 80 to 90 minutes of exercise each week.
The findings are important, say the study authors, because they suggest that millions of sedentary Americans could be reached through one of the modern conveniences blamed for keeping them chair-bound.
In 2006, 147 million American adults were internet users," lead study author Dr. Bess H. Marcus said in a statement.
"If sedentary individuals are at least as likely as active individuals to use the internet, this means roughly 80 million under-active adults are online and might be reached via Web-based interventions," said Marcus, a professor of psychiatry and human behavior at Brown University Medical School in Providence, Rhode Island.
She and her colleagues report their findings in the current issue of the Archives of Internal Medicine.
The study included 249 sedentary adults who were randomly assigned to one of three groups. One group used a Web site developed by the researchers to support participants" exercise efforts. A second group was provided with links to six Web sites run by professional medical and fitness organizations. The third group received printed materials by mail.
Participants in all of the groups kept daily activity logs and completed questionnaires designed to keep them on track with their exercise regimens. The difference was that the group using the specially tailored Web site got immediate email feedback.
One year later, all three groups were doing similarly well, Marcus and her colleagues found. Those who used the tailored Web site were getting an average of 90 minutes of exercise per week, as were men and women in the group that received help by mail.
Study participants who used a Web site program they picked out were getting 80 minutes of exercise per week, on average.
In general, experts recommend that adults get at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise, such as brisk walking, on most days of the week.
According to Marcus"s team, more studies should investigate the power of the internet to reach the legions of inactive Americans sitting in front of a computer screen.

Charlize Theron in Prometheus premiere, UK

Last night saw the London premiere of ‘Prometheus‘, where leading lady Charlize Theron stole the show in a little blue dress. Charlize looked sensational in a minimalist midnight blue strapless dress by Dior.
Theron stars in Prometheus as Meredith Vickers, the corporate suit leading the expedition which sees Michael Fassbender, Noomi Rapace, Logan Marshall-Green and Guy Pearce venture to an unknown planet in the hope of discovering the origin of mankind and humans’ purpose in the universe.
The former model's dress featured shimmering fabric that turned sheer towards the hemline, revealing a hint of leg with a thigh-high slit.
She added strappy black heels and kept her jewellery to a minimum with a black bangle and cocktail ring.
Ridley Scott, director of 'Alien' and 'Blade Runner,' returns to the genre he helped define. With 'Prometheus', he creates a groundbreaking mythology, in which a team of explorers discover a clue to the origins of mankind on Earth, leading them on a thrilling journey to the darkest corners of the universe. There, they must fight a terrifying battle to save the future of the human race.